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Project 174 - Orchard View Media Room with Infinity

The team at Cinema Luxe created this media room and snug from an existing cinema room. It was felt that the previous cinema room didn’t quite utilise the space in the best way, so the room was redesigned as with the focus taken away from a classic tiered cinema room concept. 

Unusually for such a space, mirrors and glass were incorporated into the design to increase the apparent size of the room. Bespoke panels were made to hide supporting beams and custom acoustic treatment was used to finished the walls. Finally bespoke seating added a splash of colour into the room. 

Infinity panels were used on the walls as well as the ceiling to frame the viewing area. This particular installation used four large panels to ensure there were no visible joints on the walls or ceiling.

Kit List

The following components were sourced from Starscape for this project:

Photos and video courtesy of Cinema Luxe.